
Create a weapon in the app

How do I equip a new weapon in the MantisX app?

What is the use of selecting a weapon in the SETTINGS and what do I do if, for example, I cannot find the Stgw 57, the Stgw 90, the SIG P210 or my small-caliber pistol in the MantisX app?

Choosing a weapon in the SETTINGS only has a statistical purpose. If you use the MantisX with different weapons, you can filter for your weapon in the HISTORY at the top right.

How can I equip a weapon (e.g. Stgw 90) in the MantisX app? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a new weapon in your arsenal.

1. Click + ADD
2. Type in the brand, e.g. SIG
3. Type in the model, e.g. Stgw 90
4. Select the caliber or type your own, e.g. GP90
5. And this is what it looks like.
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